Prairie Hockey Academy (PHA) is where life champions are developed. As Saskatchewan’s first Hockey Canada Accredited School, PHA has created an experience that fosters growth and development in young student-athletes who will become tomorrow’s leaders.
Through our comprehensive hockey development program, our student-athletes have the opportunity to achieve excellence in sport while building an educational foundation for an academic career in the future.
What We Stand For
Saskatchewan is the ‘heart land’ of hockey. A sport that embodies the togetherness of a community and teaches the fundamental values of leadership. Hockey offers a familiar environment for our children to cultivate relationships and learn the principles of great sportsmanship that will help them become life champions.
At Prairie Hockey Academy we don’t focus on talent, we focus on developed skill. Through developed skill, our student-athletes are better able to understand the importance of having a growth mindset and are better equipped to accept failure as a step forward rather than a step backward.
At PHA, we believe that teaching, and modelling authenticity, humility, and accountability produces the heart of a champion in our student-athletes. We believe that these are the most important characteristics in leaders both on and off the ice.
The Vision for Our Athletes
Prairie Hockey Academy student-athletes will learn one of life’s most important lessons – greatness is only achieved when one learns to adapt and grow from failure. Once they are able to understand how failure contributes to developed skill, they will be able to recognize their full potential as a student, athlete, and an individual.
Our Mantra
We believe in teaching GRIT.
Grace - For yourself first, then for others.
Respect - For all people and things in our care.
Integrity – Doing what you say you’re going to do.
Toughness – We attack challenges and obstacles with passion and determination.
Prairie Hockey Academy
Hockey is life-changing. Anyone who has ever tied on a pair of skates and committed wholeheartedly to take it on knows this. Often though, a life can be changed for better or for worse.
Unfortunately for many young men, the 'better or worse' outcome feels like a coin flip, determined by the quality and character of the coaching, leadership, and mentoring they receive. Heads - a positive experience. Tails - a damaging one.
At Prairie Hockey Academy, creating a positive, life-changing transformation for young men through a commitment to hockey is not a coin flip. It is not left to chance. It is our purpose, passion, and mission. It is the reason we were founded.
The thrill and challenge of entering the arena and testing yourself through competition is a natural, empowering force. It is a force required to forge the next generation of strong leaders in our world, our country, our communities, and our homes.
Begun on the ice, this unforgettable journey should culminate in a life well-lived and a legacy of contribution. The journey must be intentional, focused, and principled. It requires great teaching and coaching. It requires accountability and guidance. Nothing significant in life comes for free or without effort, sacrifice, and teamwork.
Prairie Hockey Academy is not for every young man or every family. We ask a lot of each member of our community. We have high expectations and we won't compromise. Our members appreciate the realized value in that commitment.
As a member of Prairie Hockey Academy you will be loved, respected, and challenged.
You will be given responsibility and trust.
You will be given the opportunity to make choices encouraging your growth and maturity.
You will be held accountable to your decisions and actions, not your words.
You will experience that every choice you make has consequences.
We will support your choices and encourage your growth.
We know hockey is positively life-changing. We want to grow young men who experience that to the core of their being.